Monday 1 August 2011

WEEK 1- Nathalie Djurberg's 'Claymations'.

1. What do you understand by the word 'claymation'?
-'claymation' is a kind of art that artists are using the material called "clay" and take picture or motions many time in a second. Then they joined them together and shows the animations. In these days, peopel produces the animations, Tv programmes and Kid shows with it.

2. What is meant by the term 'surrealistic Garden of Eden'? and 'all that is natural goes awry'?
-'surrealistic Garden of Eden' is a kind of combination words with surrealism(surrealistic) and Garden of Eden. Surrealism means "unrealistic","Not real" and  Garden of Eden means that the place where the first man"Adam" and his wife"Eve" lived after they were created by God. The artist Nathalie Djurberg produces are describing the meaning of 'surrealistic Garden of Eden' which is not real.However it its bringing out the Garden of Eden.
- 'all that is natural goes awry' has meaning of different changes of human's movements and lifes and their styles. It says "everythings like natures are changing". In Nathalie Djurberg's clay works she used a different skilll to the others like banded clays and twisted them.

3. What are the 'complexity of emotions' that Djurberg confronts us with?
-The artist Nathalie Djurberg creates clay works with her emotions which are scary and dark feeling with happeness growing up. Her work show lots of ranges of peopel think all differently.

4. How does Djurberg play with the ideas of children's stories, and innocence in some of her work?
- In her works for children's stories, she used the idea of immagination of human. So she used many colours for Kids which looks colourful and the stories are very simple.

5. There is a current fascination by some designers with turning the innocent and sweet into something disturbing. Why do you think this has come about?
-In my opinion, in these days there are many designers, painters, sculptures etc around the world. And they would like to make their own works that nobody did before. That is why some desingers with turuning innocent and sweet into somthing disturbing.

6. In your opinion, why do you think Djurberg's work is so interesting that it was chosen for the Venice Biennale?
-In my opinion, Djurberg's work is so interesting because her metarials for the works are very fresh to me. I saw some animations created my clay but I haven't research about people who did claymation. Also she shows us the changing of the humanity by adding the idea of 'surrealistic Garden of Eden'.

7. Add some of your own personal comments on her work.

-These two art works are very interesting to me. When I see her works I felt it is very uncommen for me. Although her works making me to think, look and search about it more. Nathalie Djurberg's works are very very fresh to me and I would like to find out more about her.


  1. as you mention about how artists nowadays trying to create something which was never create before, by turning something into a completely opposite meaning, just like Djurberg, turning innocent, sweet, cute claymation into disturbing violence, erotic animations. This I do kinda agree with you, since in the world of design, I dont find "creating a pure brand new design" applies, since what we as artist saw around us do have influence around our own designs.
    Djurberg's work are very unusual, being able to have the mind of turning things into violence, i really wonder about what she was thinking when she created these work.

  2. I think the way how you describe how she uses her own emotions to create work, its fine, but I think there are more ideas and thoughts what she has achieved. You said Nathalie Djurberg's 'Claymations give the feeling of scary and dark with happiness, I think your right because her work it does have this kind of feeling but it’s also very sexuality, the emotion could be a person’s desire to have sex.
    You also said that “Her work show lots of ranges of people think all differently” I have to disagree with you for this point because I don’t see how she have used many different type of feeling into her artwork, all I see it’s based on the theme of violence and sexuality.

  3. "And they would like to make their own works that nobody did before." I kind of agree with statement however, I find that creating works that are have turned something sweet into something disturbing create opinions, something to talk about but also create different emotions that make uncomfortable. It is a bit like alexander McQueen, in how he used shocked tactics to create discussion within the audience. McQueen also used to want to show people things through his clothes ‘I use things people want to hide in their heads. War, religion, sex..and I force them to watch it.’ (Fashion Now, 2003). I think that this is a bit like Djurberg, she wants to make things that show a revolting beauty in her claymation's and I think also is showing the possibilities of a sick world.
