Sunday 21 August 2011

Week 3- Hussein Chalayan

Chalayan is an artist and designer, working in film, dress and installation art. Research Chalayan’s work,
and then consider these questions in some thoughtful reflective writing.
1. Chalayan’s works in clothing, like Afterwords (2000) and Burka (1996) , are often challenging to both the viewer and the wearer.
What are your personal responses to these works? Are Afterwords and Burka fashion, or are they art? What is the difference?
Not all clothing is fashion, so what makes fashion fashion?
-Hussein chellenges on her works. On her fashion works(picture below) presents the chellengin works with her models by wearing all different lengths of burka with naked.
It is unusuall designs and unusuall forms to presents fashion works. To me I feel this "Bunka" fashion works are still art works. Because it is unusuall and people woould not
think of this kinds of works. Although this kind of works will be increases by the artist Hussein Chalayan. However peopel wouldn't wear it anytime like we wear cloths, but
in my opinion people will try it on special days like party or celebrations and fashion shows.

2. Chalayan has strong links to industry. Pieces like The Level Tunnel (2006) and Repose (2006) are made in collaboration with,
and paid for by, commercial business; in these cases, a vodka company and a crystal manufacturer.
How does this impact on the nature of Chalayan’s work? Does the meaning of art change when it is used to sell products? Is it still art?
-This impacts on the nature of Chalayan's wrok by creating the work pices. For me it doesn't change the meaning of art. Other artists are creating the works to presents
and give ideas to peopel. Chalayan is also one of them too. And the meaning of the art does not change, when it used to sell products. They produses the pices of work
to show and tell the ideas that they have to peo ple as I mentioned before. They are not only creats works for be paied and earn money, and of course it is a still are to me.

3. Chalayan’s film Absent Presence screened at the 2005 Venice Biennale. It features the process of caring for worn clothes,
and retrieving and analysing the traces of the wearer, in the form of DNA.
This work has been influenced by many different art movements; can you think of some, and in what ways they might have inspired Chalayan’s approach?
- Chalayan's film Absent Presence screende at the 2005 Venice Biennale is and enigmatic movie based on the geography,genetics, identity, anthropology and biology.
I think this is like her art works and it also installate with the film images and sculptures with fashion design.
How does this influence this artwork...It includes scientific thoughts like geography,genetics, identity, anthropology and biology.All this kinds of topics are influenced and inspired Chalayan’s approach.

4. Many of Chalayan’s pieces are physically designed and constructed by someone else;
for example, sculptor Lone Sigurdsson made some works from Chalayan’s Echoform (1999) and Before Minus Now (2000) fashion ranges. In fashion design this is standard practice,
but in art it remains unexpected. Work by artists such as Jackson Pollock hold their value in the fact that he personally made the painting.
Contrastingly, Andy Warhol’s pop art was largely produced in a New York collective called The Factory,
and many of his silk-screened works were produced by assistants. Contemporarily, Damien Hirst doesn’t personally build his vitrines or preserve the sharks himself.
 So when and why is it important that the artist personally made the piece?
-The ART is for messangers to artists for the people who sees the works. Art has personall ideas,concepts, messageses ect to give people what they think and how important od an artist's personal designs.
When painters,Scholptors, designers ect creates the works it represents more meanings. So I personally think when art began the importance of an artist's works, their own works is always important and has right to give messages
to us.

1 comment:

  1. I think the way you respect the artist by saying that they have the right to give messages to viewer what they thinks, it’s a very good start of your future, you will have more respect on other artist or designers and to be respected.
    The reason why I’m saying this is because most of the people have no respect on other artist or designers. The work these artists make have their own idea of what they making. It’s not just randomly produce a work, there always a story behind a work. The work might be very eccentric or indiscriminate, and some people just came up with having option that says the work is ugly, it is right that people have different option but they need to respect others.
    For example Hussein Chalayan’s work is very unique, the work (Burka) is an example, it a naked person and some people just say it disgusting, which have no respect on the artist. Naked people can be art, it our nature.
