Sunday 29 May 2011

Week 9-Modernism and Post-Modernism

Claude Monet
1. Outline the intentions of each artist.
To capture the moment. Impressionism wasn't about intentions it was all about capturing the moment. Alsp he uses the plein air to work according to the expression of the natural bright, speaking effectly.
When he paints, he normally uses the water colours, he doesn't use the palette to mix the water colours.
And the subjests that he paints are normally about the natural subjects like flowers, waters like a pictures above.
techniques: Technipues that the artist Claude Monet used are very fine details. For example, his motion of his hand paintbrush are very smoothe and sofe, also the painting shows the free movements. On the painting we cannot see theh thick brush lines. The painter Claude Monet always think his paintings are showing the feeling of him which is Claude Monet's. Monet used quite a limited palette, banishing browns and earth colors on his works.
 "Now I really feel the landscape, I can be bold and include every tone of blue and pink: it's enchanting, it's delicious." -

My life has been nothing but a failure.-

Chuck Close
1. Outline the intentions of each artist. The artist Chuck Close's intention shows the idea of himself with self potraits, friends and families with huge scales of works. His goal is to have an interest in the surface of the array is one. And for other purposes actually interested in making an object from the other movements are several things to change into.

I did some pastels and I did other pieces in which there was just basically one color per square, and then they would get bigger and I could get 2 or 3 colors into the square, and ultimately I just started making oil paintings. -ttp://
I'm very learning-disabled, and I think it drove me to what I'm doing.
4. Note 3 similarities of the work of both artists.
1st is that both artists are used the variety of colours on their paintings.
2nd is that two painters are normally using the oil paints on canvos and pastels.
3rd they are all fine details on their paints so that we could get a feeling of the painters what they think and how they feel about the paints.
5. What are some differences between the artist's work. (at least 3)
Both painters are all great although they uses different painting techniques. Also the subjects are all different. For example, Chuck Close normally paints portraits and Claude Monet paints about the natural landscapes. Finally the biggest difference between two artists are the colour. Claude Monet uses earth tones of colours with out black, although Chuck Close uses all the colours includes black.
With two artist are very new to me. I haven't heard about them before I do the blog research. However now I found that they are very great painters and they inspired me some ideas of the works that im doing it at the moment. The works are awsome and interesting.

Chuck close's with a paint brush clamped between his teeth, he developed a new way to paint. Later he has developed a device to hold his hand and brush to paint in the small grid areas. His portraits, the photos and canvases are gridded off by assistants and then he uses the techniques of grisaille and pointillism within the grids.


  1. Hey Andy, I find both artist very inspiring. There are so many similarities between artist rom the way in which both artist layer paint, they way in which the composition is layed out systematically, the time to complete a work etc...I think what diferentiates each artist what makes them unique....from what colour pallet they are using to what they are influenced by...The process in which each work is made is just as fascinating

  2. I agree with you that Claude Monet 's work shows a lot of natural and environment feelings.Claude is also very good at water colours and able to express through it as I could see the movement of the water and it is very detailed.On the other hand,Chuck Close's art work is more like human portrait,but he used a lot of warm colour or even black compared to Claude Monet's work.Both artists are good at painting ,especially playing with the movement and the flow of the colours.I do like both artist as they made such a good painting in an interesting way.
