Monday 16 May 2011

Week 7-Industrialisation and Cao Fei's RMB City

Industrialisation in the late 1800s, and today.

The artists of the late 1800's and early 1900's, in Europe, were influenced by the Industrial revolution

1. What and when was the Industrial Revolution?
-The Industrial Revolution brought rapid irbanization and population growth  to almost every countries.
This Indurstrial Revolution period begans between 18th and 19th century. It effected to manufacturing, transportation, technology and mining. This urbanization was facilitated by the new factory-owing bourgeoisie, who constructed factories in convenient town and then provided hundreds of jobs for people who would relocate.
-Two paintings that are from the early 1900s were painted by  Modernist painters from the group called 'Futurists' The Futurists celebrated the machine, and objects in motion. Their primary objective was to depict movement, which they saw as symbolic of their commitment to the dynamic forward thrust of the 20th century

2. Research both Modernist paintings in order to comment on the subject matter, form and style used to celebrate the machine and motion in each painting. Answer the question in 2 parts for each painting.

The first painting, when I saw it the first time, the artist used the warm colour on the painting. Although the meaning of the paints shows the machine is destracting the people and in my point of wive, i can see that people are trying to save the city form the machine. However the sttle of the painting has rough painting skills.

The seond painting has only used the black colour of the paints. It shows the dog is running away from something. It is focucing the theme of machine  and the motion. In my opnion, it is giving the idea of something moving and careless things.
This image used form the degital collage refers to Second life. It was conceived as an online platform for participants to create a parallel reality in which to live out their dreams and has 14 million registered users. Each user is represented by an avatar, a digital figure that they can customise and control. Cao Fei, as her avatar, China Tracy, has constructed a virtual city that will continue to grow and change over its two-year run with the participation and support of leading international art institutions and networks.

4.RMB City is described as a utopia/dystopia. Comment on what these terms mean, and how they can be applied to the work
-On the work RMB city was described as utopia. It has the meaning of not a real city, non- existent city. This works can be apploed to the work as it potrays both ideas of utopia and dystopia. It is also be seen as a dystopia as it could be seen a a place where the advancement of technoogy has took over and wrong. This utopia can be seen as the movie 'Avatar'.

5. Although the Modernist paintings and the contemporary digital work have emerged from
different contexts, there are also many similarities. Comment on the similarities that you can see in the work
- I can see the motion as a commen ideo of these works. And they are showing the all different ways to understand the idea and the ideo of celebration of machine and motion together.
Two paintings above that I mentioned before was 2D paintings, although RMB city, we can see the 3D effects with 2D effects. It is very effective to deliver the ideas and messages about industrialisation.



  1. I totally agree with your description of utopia that non exist city and related with the movie of Avatar that movie is also one of utopia. For the painting, the modernist artist was more focus on the movement of the main character like the second painting show the activity of the dog and described the running and the first painting’s colour represents moving figure more effectively.
    Anyway , the industrialization revolution influenced to modernism more activity than other generation. For example , the first and second painting shows what I said and they used various of material with different feeling.

  2. I agree with your point of view, the painting does shows the idea of industrialization. when you said the first painting was in warm color, I think you were right but as my thought was the artist uses the warm colors is because the passion of industrialization been create, the human have the passion on industrialization and the machine you were talking about its like the speed of industrialization’s work being produce. I also think the second painting were also related to the movement of the industrialization work being produce, the speed of the dog is like the same speed of the work, the reason why the painting is in black and white might be showing the past.

  3. I like the way you have analyzed the use of colour in his artwork. That all three picture have a different theme about them but you have managed to look closely and find the meaning for why and how he has used the colour specifically for his designs. What i found while reading your blog was that the industrialism revolution was influenced to modernize the activity more than the other generations which i found rather interesting and didn't know.

  4. I reaally like the way youve focused on the things most wouldnt have picked up on, which is the colour of his works.The Dog painting in black in white fascinates me the most as it is simple but portrays the idea of possibly, the past and the future. I like how youve mentioned the warm colours in his other works portraying industrialism. I didnt know that futurism was a key idea in the industrialism movement, so i found this post very helpful..but also in other ways too.
