Mask II (2002) Ron Mueck
A girl (2006) Ron Mueck
1. Mueck's sculpture is described as 'hyper-real'. Define the meaning of this term and apply it to his work.
-"Hyper-real" which is same meaing of the hyperreallty. Hyperreality is an inability to distinguish between what is real and what is not. Hyperreality can be described as enhanced reality. Some people become more engaged with the hyperreal world than with the real world.But it has come to take on the meaning that society has given it. The reality of the crown and the hyperreality of what it stands for are interwoven.
The sculpture applyed the "hyer-real" because his work looks real baby which is above picture. And it looks real so that people can sceared and might think its the real person.
The sculpture applyed the "hyer-real" because his work looks real baby which is above picture. And it looks real so that people can sceared and might think its the real person.
2. Mueck is not interested in making life size sculpture. Find out why he is more interested
in working with the scale of the figure which is not life size, and mention 2 works which use
scale that is either larger or smaller than life.
- while he was on the interview, he said that he is not interested in making life size sculptuer.
"never made life size figure, because it never seemed to be interesting.,we meet life size people every day."
‘Two Woman’
installation photograph
This sculpture is smaller then the other works that Mueck has made. But when you see the sculpture closely, you still can see the fine details on it. Also two women's face expression exploses the real persons are looking something weird,..
Ron Mueck
‘Still life’
installation photograph
This sculpture exploses the dead chicken with the really huge size of the sculpture.
In this work we can see the idea of the large form of the dead chicken. Ron Mueck creates larger and smaller scale works with fine details.
3. Define Renaissance Humanism , and analyze the term in order to apply it to an example of Mueck's work. Note that the contemporary definition of Humanism is much broader than the Renrssance definition
-Renaissance Humanism was an activity of cultural and educational reform engaged by scholars, writers, and civic leaders who are today known as humanists. Humanism is the term generally applied to the predominant social philosophy and intellectual and literary currents of the period from 1400 to 1650. The return to favor of the pagan classics stimulated the philosophy of secularism, the appreciation of worldly pleasures, and above all intensified the assertion of personal independence and individual expression. Zeal for the classics was a result as well as a cause of the growing secular view of life.
Renaissance Humanism is relate to Mueck's works. Because Ron Mueck's sculpture is based on Humanity and he create life size of it or more bigger. He shows us that how poeple think by his sculpture.
4. Research and discuss one of Mueck's sculptures that you might find challenging or exciting to experience in an art gallery. Describe the work, upload an image of the work, and explain your personal response to the work. Comment on other student blogs to develop the discussion around the variety of our own personal and individual responses to art and design
‘Old Woman in bed’
installation photograph
I really like this sculpture,because when I saw this sculpture I can feel that the old women had hard time and feels tired.. and the edge of the blinket is very detail with the old women's expression. Its very hyperreality. So that's why people call Ron Mueck is the hyperreality artist.