Saturday 9 April 2011

Week 5- Science and reason- Video art by Pipilotti Rist

1. Define the 17th century 'Scientific Revolution', and say how it changed European thought and world view.

The beginning of 17th centries "Scientific Revolution" was well known. But in this time period, it brought the way how Europeans think about it possitively and the natural world. physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy etc was the new ideos for them. From this points, the period of the environments and technologys are more developed and became more close to the mordern world view and thinking. nowdays people are keep finding new methods and new techologys for more developed futures.

2. Give examples of how we can we still see evidence of the 'Scientific Revolution' in the world today.

The 'Scientific Revolution' still enfluenced in these days in our lifes, as an examples, the math, chemistry, biology, physics and other subjests are influencing the our lifes today. Because these subjects are really need for the consruting the building, and other mechenical works. Therefore, we can use internets and computers and videos etc todays world.  Although this materials are began from 17th cetries 'Scientific Revolution'. So that we can still see a lot of evidencce of it.

3. From your research, do you think that the contemporary art world values art work
that uses new media/technology over traditional media?

In my opnion, new technology and new media is very useful for creating other art works. Because using both medias, people can createts lots of different art works by using different skill but with both medias.
These medias are very valuble for people who creates works. Also I think  the artises are able to make there won works by their creative thinkings.

4. How has Pipilotti Rist used new media/technology to enhance the audience's experience of her work.

The artist, Pipilotti Rist is different to the other artists. She normally uses the video works and to present the works she uses two walls with two projestors. On the fist wall she represents the angry feeling with little bit of violence act like breaking windows. And on the other wall she projected the soft feeling of ideas sucj as bright warm colour of flowers. Therefore we can see the main themes clearly from ther video works whisch are realated to sexuality, gender and humanism and others.

5. Comment on how the installation, sound and scale of 'Ever is Over All' (1997) could impact on the audience's experience of the work.

The work 'Ever is Over All' (1997) could impact on the audience as the big scales of the two walls by projecting the vieods. It shows the woman smashing the car windows. And the music(sound) makes audiences intenced and the breaking window sound make people bit nervious. And the installation is bit different to the others. Because she put the projectors one side and she put it one on the side and one on the front. so that it seems to be 3D. I think it is very impactful to the audience's experience of the work.

6. Comment on the notion of 'reason' within the content of the video. Is the woman's behaviour reasonable or unreasonable?

The artist uses two differnt feelings so I don't think there are notion of 'reason' within the content of the video of behaviour reasonable or unreasonable.

7. Comment on your 'reading' (understanding) of the work by discussion the aesthetic (look), experience and the ideologies (ideas, theories) of the work.

When I read the Pipilotti Rist's work, we need to think more deeply to understand her works. Because she has a creativity to give ideas to the viwers like me. In my opnion, she got a good start fo her work with goes bigger and more bigger.